kørepose til autostol

A car seat bag is genius all year round. Both for safety and to make the child comfortable during the car ride. It is not recommended to have a lot of clothes between the harness and the body. A car seat bag lets you keep the harness close to the child while you can close the bag around. When the car gets warm you easily open the bag and lay it to the sides, now the child only sits on a blanket. Makes the car ride easier for the whole family.

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1.198,80 DKK
Nyhed! Den populære forårskørepose Lyng kommer nu også til autostolen! • Lækker og blød kørepose • Passer i autostol, vogn og cykelvogn • Mulighed for at åbne i bunden • 100% bomuld mod baby • Genanvendelig...
959,20 DKK
Maxi kørepose! Nu for større barn. Kørepose fra norske Easygrow for tryghed og komfort på tur!• Fyldt med dun og har tyk bomuld på indersiden.                      • Findes i mange farver...
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